Sex Work During the Pandemic: How work has changed and how to look after your wellbeing
COVID-19 has created countless barriers to work and the regulation of online spaces has presented unique challenges for the sex worker community.
Dr. Sarah Ashton will host a panel discussion with Sai Jaidan Lillith and Mistress Tokyo to explore:
How sex work has changed during the pandemic
What has been the industry response?
How this impacts wellbeing and sustainability for work
Are there some changes that will remain?
Register for free via Eventbrite
You are welcome to send questions through to socialmedia@shipspsychology.com.au before the event so we can incorporate this into the content we cover!
Dr Sarah Ashton (She/her), Director & Founder of SHIPS Psychology
Dr. Sarah Ashton is a registered psychologist and member of the Society of Australian Sexologists, and has worked with clients in the sexual health field for over 12 years. She is a published researcher in The Journal of Sex Research, Porn Studies, Feminism & Psychology, and has written articles for The Conversation and Red Magazine.
Mistress Tokyo (She/her) @mistresstokyo
Mistress Tokyo is a Dominatrix based in Sydney. She is a white, cis-gendered woman, and queer person; her pronouns are she/her/hers. She has 21yrs experience in professional BDSM, with 14 years as an independent Pro Domme, in her own world-class studio. She’s also an internationally recognized kink educator, performer and a current student of Psychology and Counselling.
Sai Jaidan Lillith (They/them) @jaidanlillith
Sai Jaiden Lillith is a non-binary AMAB sex worker who has been working in the sex industry for six years and sees clients of all genders and orientations. They provide professional kink and full service escort experiences, education, create porn, erotic art, writing and music in their band ZCluster. A passionate Shibari (Japanese Rope bondage) practitioner, performer and Kink/BDSM educator, Sai has presented and performed at events such as OzKinkFest & Sexpo.